ROOM Our flats fulfil all your daily living requirements. Every flat comes readily equipped with a kitchen, including refrigerator, cooking equipment and dishes. Flats also include a washing machine and Wi-Fi Internet. Each room is fully furnished and offers a comfortable bed with fresh linen and a workspace. The area provides you with several shopping opportunities and excellent connections to public transport. APARTMENT The kitchen is fully stocked for any wannabe-chef to get creative in – you’ll have all the pots, pans and knives, as well as a fridge to keep things cool. the dining area is a great space to hang and invite your roomies over for dinner. all apartments entail a common area and one or two spacious bathrooms that you’ll be sharing with your room mates. PROPERTY Located in a quiet street in city west, this is your ideal home to explore all the hidden gems the city has to offer....
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Certificat de înscriere la universitate, contract de stagiatură sau contract de muncă.
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